Code of Conduct & Ambassador Rules

Represent Keliix Well! All players, coaches, and families represent our Club while at the tournament. Please be a good ambassador! All players (and one parent/guardian) are required to understand and sign a Keliix Code of Conduct, which should be given to your team manager before departing for Appleton.  Examples of items in the Code of Conduct include 10:30pm lights out, player mobile phones gathered by parent volunteer each evening and returned to players in morning, required pool chaperones, take photos of others only with their permission, etc.
Download the Code of Conduct for the age of your player, talk with them about appropriate behavior in Appleton, and each of you sign it.  Managers will collect from U13+ before getting on the bus departing from Holy Angels.

Families also should understand and follow “Ambassador Rules” to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all members of the Club.  Please also be prepared to volunteer to help your manager/coach/players run a successful tourney – there are ample opportunities!

Keliix Code of Conduct U8 to U12

Keliix Code of Conduct U13 to U19

Keliix Ambassador Rules - These are important - please read!